A man refers to the requirements in effect, in order to register a child at a
French school.
G.Κ.: Our little girl would go to nursery school,
there was no English school in our neighborhood, but five steps from our house
there was a French one. I reach an understand with my wife to take her to the
French school for two-three years and afterwards when she will have grown up,
we’ll send her to the English one by bus, if she would take it. My wife says
“Alright”, I return home from work in the night, I go home, I say “Did you
register the kid”, she says “They didn’t accept her” “What?” I say, she says
“They didn’t accept her because we’re not Catholic”. Being unable to
understand this, the next day in the morning I go alone to the school, they
tell me “Law 68 forbids us from accepting non-Catholic children”, a law of
Quebec, “If you want” they say, “You may change the child’s religion, make her
Catholic, we’re going to register her right away”, I say “Thank you very much,
much obliged”. I stood up and left, from that point onwards I tried to learn
French with a method, little by little. Will you believe it that my mind,
obviously because of these two incidents, refused to accept to learn French?