Contact with Canadian society and immigrants’ communities
English, French and immigrants
Woman says that maintained better relations with immigrants than with Canadians.
RES.: And how was your relationship with the Canadian society? And did this change in the course of time?
ΑN.: Eh… I became a bit racist. And I shouldn’t be reporting it, but it occurred a little.
Because in the beginning that I came… it’s not… for me everybody was… human. I hadn’t figured out during the
first months the difference between French, English, but I found that… immigrants were the best people. They
worked hard. They raised their families with European standards. Ah… as we grew up ourselves. With… with regulations
about religion, about language. Eh, and slowly, I could see the difference… I differentiated. I differentiated.
I always saw… thought that… European immigrants were the best… inhabitants of Canada. Those who made Canada as a matter of fact.