RES.: And I asked you, before we reached this part, I asked you how Park Avenue was at the time and so you began telling me that you took the 129 and you were going… I.M.: Yes, yes, yes, yes Park Avenue. There were a great many Greeks. Like a little child I was… I don’t… I… I don’t remember many things besides the… there were many Greeks but as… as a teenager it was very difficult, because someone knew my mother, someone knew my father, well my father someone… very few knew my father but someone knew my aunt, someone knew my other aunt, the uncles, they had become many as well, therefore when I was walking across, across Park Avenue, there were many billiards as well, there were some two or three of them from Mont Royal to Saint Joseph, there had to be two or three… RES.: Yes eh? I.M.: Yes. As a little girl sixteen years old that I was and I was walking they were calling me ‘Susie’. They were whistling ‘Susie’, I mean, they didn’t know that I was Greek or anything and this had made an impression on me and I was feeling, you know, disgusted, I was like, how dare someone talk to you like that? How dare he? Do you know how he dared? And I didn’t like it and I was careful because I was saying if my mother hears anything and tells it to my father, he’s going to kill me and I was careful.