Woman talking about the foundation of the Labour Association
AN.: In the beginning, the first office of the Labour Association was at YMCA.
RES.: Mhm.
AN.: Over there. This is how the Labour Association was founded. Back then in… in early seventy, here in Quebec… in local Quebec. (Laughs).
RES.: (Laughs).
AN.: It was a… a move, shall we say, progressive. Many things were being done, in a social eh level, eh asso…
associations, organisations, such schemes which…
RES.: Mhm.
AN.: Which were very progressive. Not progressive in our sense, of left-right.
RES.: Yes.
AN.: But progressive in… in thought. They had also just escaped from the… from the pincer of religion
back then, with the Quiet Revolution, if you’ve heard. Anyway, and there was a program there at the YMCA, which was for…
From there started the idea to organise the Greek workers. It was then eh. Yes, the Greeks did go and… founded the
Association, but it was an idea like… in planning eh… from there.
RES.: Mhm.
AN.: From… from… mhm… How do we call it? Community organizer, let’s say.
RES.: Mhm.
AN.: It began. Eh… and then the Association took… Back then they offered much easier eh… subsidies.
We had many people, in the beginning and we were going, that is, we were escorting people as interpreters, to services…