“Wanted” Employment ads. Greek Canadian Tribune, 26/09/1969 Source: Immigrec
A woman describes how she found work through the newspaper.
Α.L.: So, what I did. I got a newspaper and with the little English that I knew then, I took St Catherine’s
from Atwater to Saint Lawrence. And I was going to every store. I knew a little bit of sewing.
RE.: Ok. Α.L.: I had learned it from my sisters who had a sewing school there.
So, I was entering and requesting “Can I speak to the manager?” I was asking. So, when the manager was coming, I was saying […].
I saw in the newspaper the stores which wanted a seamstress for […]. So, I found my first job. It was close to Mountain and St Catherine’s, next to Ogilvy’s.
I went there. I didn’t like it. I stayed two, three days. There were six seamstresses working and we had one… I don’t want to say her name, where she was from.
RE.: It’s alright. Α.L.: Yes. She was German. I don’t want to say. No, it’s alright. And we had one manager there.
Oh oh oh. She was over our shoulders all the time. I didn’t like it. I got the newspaper again to see where else they’re hiring.