Air ticket (1970) Giorgios Kozia's archive. Source: Immigrec
Seven airplanes
A man describes his voyage by airplane to Canada.
RES.: Any details from the voyage and how…
Ν.Κ.: Ah, the voyage was a big hassle, I changed seven
airplanes, from Athens to Rome, from Rome to Milan, Milan-Amsterdam,
overnight, we slept there the night. Amsterdam-Montreal, Montreal-Toronto, we
slept there the night, we took, we took afterwards from Toronto to come to
Edmonton and since we didn’t know where we were going, we thought that Calgary
was Edmonton and we exited at Calgary.
RES.: And Edmonton you chose because you had relatives here.
Ν.Κ.: Relatives here, precisely.
RES.: Good.
Ν.Κ.: And the next day we slept there as well, at Calgary. And the
next day, October 3rd, the day was Sunday.