A man refers to the night school which he attended, when he emigrated to
Toronto, and to his acquaintance with male and female students of other
Res.: And did you go to school? Did you have the
opportunity to do so?
D.Μ.: I went to night school, two nights per week I
went to school…
Res.: And tell me about that. Where was it, what did
you learn?
D.Μ.: At Jones Avenue and it was a night school and we
were going and learning, we were starting from the letters from the beginning,
from abc, the dog, the cat. The teacher didn’t speak Greek and inevitably she
was speaking to us only in English and she was putting photos on the board, to
learn… there were Italians, there were Chinese, there were South American
people, all kind of people, you got to meet different people from...
Res.: Good.
D.Μ.: I had never seen a Chinese myself, neither a
black and for the first time I saw Chinese, blacks.
Res.: So, the lesson was multicultural…
D.Μ.: Yes, yes, yes nobody spoke English, we were all
there and plenty of Greeks and we the Greeks spoke Greek, others got smart
with us because they knew five more words, yes…