Ε.I.: I had gone to school in England.
Res.: Ah.
Ε.I.: And this helped quite a lot to adapt easier
here. That is, I knew a bit about the clima- even though England’s climate, of
course is not the climate here. I knew, I had seen a lot -how to say?- mhm I
knew about rain, I knew about snow, I knew… Anyway, this was… I was somewhat
more prepared and I knew the language too. Especially this, the big… the, the
English and the French which I had studied in Greece. Yes.
Res.: Namely, talk to me a bit about your education in
Greece. Until you got married, did you finish school?
Ε.I.: I only completed the… the first level of
Gymnasium (Junior High School), we called it then, in Athens and from there I
left for England and I did junior high school, I did it in England.